Elite Dangerous Wiki

This faction is currently unable to source a sufficient supply of food for its members. If the situation goes on for much longer they run the risk of incurring mass illness or civil unrest.

— In-game description

Course of action

  • "Seeking Foods" beacons will spawn near stations of minor factions with an on-going Famine.
  • Bringing "Food Cartridges" to "Seeking Foods" beacons will reduce the Famine effect. Upon entering such a beacon, fly close to a ship of the faction you want to trade your food cargo with and your cargo will be automatically transferred to the minor faction in exchange for credits.

NPC dialogues in Famine beacons

  • "Do your bit to stop hunger. Sell us your foods for redistribution today!"
  • "We make sure starvation is something that happens to other people"
  • "With our help, you too can feed to local economy and the local population all at the same time"
  • "Get paid for delivering food aid!"
  • "All manner of food donations are accepted"