Elite Dangerous Wiki

Chione was a pleasant pastoral moon until the Prism system was seized by the Loren 'Lineage' (an Imperial family distantly related to the ruling Duval Dynasty) in 3297. The system remains unstable at this time and traders are advised to proceed with caution.

Loren's Legion was commissioned by Ambassador Cuthrick Delaney, administrator of Prism in the absence of Senator Loren, to serve as an extension of the Prism defense force. Its charter lends flexibility to more offensive operations throughout the region.

Loren's Legion sharply contends with enemies of the Empire in the vicinity of Prism and serves as a bulwark against incursion into Imperial territory.

— In-Game Description

Prism is an Imperial system in the Core Systems within the Inner Orion Spur. It was forcefully annexed by Senator Algreb Loren in 3297, but resentment against the Imperial regime culminated in a violent coup in 3300. Senator Loren and most of his household were killed. One of Loren's three daughters, Kahina Tijani Loren, managed to survive and reemerged to lead the reclamation of the system, and in early 3301, she succeeded her late father as Senator of Prism.[1] Kahina disappeared again in July 3301, leaving her duties to Ambassador Cuthrick Delaney, who commissioned a new division of the Prism defence force called Loren's Legion. In October 3302, the Imperial Senate formally stripped Kahina of her rank for dereliction of duty, by which time administration of Prism had already been officially transferred to Senator Denton Patreus.[2]

System Layout[]

  • Sapphire (Class B star)
  • Diamond (Class A star)
  • Prism (Class K star)
    • Mestra (Class III gas giant)
    • Daedalion (High metal content world)
    • Neaera (High metal content world)
    • Eurcyleia (Icy body)
    • Ampithea (Icy body)
  • Ruby (Class M star)

Minor Factions[]

  • Dukes of Prism (Feudal, Independent)
  • Hand Gang of Prism (Anarchy, Independent)
  • Loren's Legion (Patronage, Empire)
  • Pilots of Metropolis (Democracy, Independent)
  • Prism as One (Patronage, Empire)
  • Prism Life Corp. (Patronage, Empire)
  • The Archon Horde (Confederacy, Independent)


  • Prism is a rare example of a system that takes its name from a star other than its most massive star, in this case Sapphire.
  • Prism is a "handcrafted" system created to align with the novel Elite: Reclamation.
  • The planet Daedalion is a High Metal Content World in Elite Dangerous, but is depicted as a Water World in Elite: Reclamation.

