Elite Dangerous Wiki

Metal-rich world with a metallic core. Worlds like this can have metallic ores near the surface in places, especially around areas of past volcanism.

— In-Game Description




Venus is the second and hottest planet in the Sol System. While the planet is just barely within the habitable zone, Venus is the most inhospitable place in the whole system. Its temperature can reach a scalding 870° F, hot enough to melt lead. Unlike Mercury, Venus' temperature is constant due to its runaway greenhouse effect which has placed 93 atmospheres of Carbon Dioxide in its toxic cloud layers, which rains sulfuric acid on to the extremely dry surface. If a human were to stand on Venus, they would be instantly suffocated, poisoned, burned and crushed all at the same time.

Over a thousand years before the construction of Burnell Station, Venus was mainly visited by robotic probes. The first visitors included the Venera landers, the Pioneer-Venus, the Magellan, the Venus Express, and the Akatsuki. There had been plans for a manned flyby of the planet using surplus Apollo ships in the mid-1970s, but this, along with most of the Apollo Applications Program (AAP) was scrapped due to budget cuts and the decision to focus on the Space Shuttle.
